

merge_images takes two or more images and merges them into a single output image.  The value of a pixel in the output image is that of the first non-black pixel found at the same position when going though the input images in the order they are listed on the command line.  If all input images have a black pixel in that position, then the output image will have a black pixel there.  This is useful when two regions of a single image have been processed separately (due to image tears or folds), and as the very last step after warping into aligned space need to be merged back together.


merge_images -input image0.tif -input image1.tif -input image2.tif -output out.tif


-input input.[tif | pgm | jpg]

specifies one input image; multiple -input options may appear on the command line.  Their order is significant as described above.

-output output.tif

specifies the filename of the output image to be written.


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