

inspector is an interactive program that allows one to check the maps output by register, to see how well they map one image onto another.  If there are regions where the map is incorrect, one may add correspondence points and rerun register to improve the map.


inspector -pairs pairs.lst -input images/ -map maps/ -cpts cpts/


-cpts cpts_directory/

specifies where the files holding the correspondence points are located.  The programs reads and writes to these files.

-input image_directory/

specifies where the input images are located.

-map maps_directory/

specifies where the maps relating the images are located.

-pairs pairs.lst

specifies the list of image pairs that will be displayed.  This list should be in the same format as the pairs list for find_rst and register, and often will be the same file as used with those programs.


left button - toggle between the image and warped reference (these should match up)
SHIFT+left button - change mode to show image and unwarped reference
CTRL + left button - pan
SHIFT + CTRL + left button - zoom in/out  (motion away from the window's center zooms in; motion toward the window's center zooms out)
middle button - place correspondence point
SHIFT + middle button - delete correspondence point

right button - save correspondence points for current section and move to next pair
SHIFT + right button - save correspondence points for current section and move to previous pair
CTRL+right button - save correspondence points for current section and move 10 pairs ahead
SHIFT+CTRL+right button - save correspondence points for current section and move 10 pairs back
CTRL+ALT+right button - save correspondence points for current section and move 100 pairs ahead
SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+right button - save correspondence points for current section and move 100 pairs back

ESC exits without saving the correspondence points for the current section

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