

extrapolate_map takes a map which has some map elements unspecified (confidence value = 0), and produces a map where all map elements are specified.  It does this by extrapolating the known map elements to areas where the map elements are unknown.


extrapolate_map -map in.map -width 800 -height 600 -extra_c 0.1 -output out.map


-extra_c float_confidence_of_extrapolated_regions

Specifies the confidence value to be assigned to all map elements that are extrapolated.

-height height_in_pixels

specifies the map's source image height in pixels; this is required because a map file does not contain information about the total size of the source or target images -- it only contains information about how to map specific pixel areas.

-map input.map

-output output.map

-power integer_exponent

-width width_in_pixels

specifies the map's source image width in pixels; this is required because a map file does not contain information about the total size of the source or target images -- it only contains information about how to map specific pixel areas.


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