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DBP8: Scalable approaches to modeling using large sets of rules and images

DBP8: Scalable approaches to modeling using large sets of rules and images

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A. Name of Collaborating Investigator(s): Peter K. Sorger,1 James Faeder,2 Robert F. Murphy3

B. Institutions: 1Harvard Medical School, 2Pitt, 3Carnegie Mellon University

C. Funding Status of Projects: NIH U54HL127365-02 (Sorger) 09/10/2014-05/31/2020; DARPA

W911NF-14-1-0397 (Sorger) 7/15/2014-1/14/2018

D. Driving relationship between DBP8 and TR&Ds. The Sorger lab is playing a leading role in the DARPA “Big Mechanism” program119 by compiling and curating their text mining results on the signaling pathways involving the protein Ras (whose mutations drive the development of many forms of cancer) in a comprehensive 'library of rules' called the Ras Executable Model (REM), similar in spirit to previous efforts to develop comprehensive models120-125 but at larger scale. The rapidly growing model, extensively documented and freely available at http://rasmodel.org, is an ideal driver for the development of rule-based modeling capabilities in TR&D3, and, in turn, TR&D3 will facilitate the development of the REM. As the model is being developed using the pySB framework, this DPB will also provide a testbed for the software library and API being developed in TR&D3 Aim 3 and will further synergize with the integration efforts in collaboration with the Lopez lab at Vanderbilt (C&SP33).

At the same time the Sorger lab is also a participating site in the NIH LINCS project, which uses imaging, multiplex biochemical assays and measurement of cell state to develop multi-factorial signatures of cellular responses to drugs and growth factors. The datasets generated by this project could enable calibration of large scale models such as REM by providing extensive characterization of cell processes, but several challenges exist: 1) the data derived from images must be formulated in a way that enables comparison with model outputs and between different sets of experiments; 2) the underlying signaling processes must be modeled with spatial resolution to describe many of the observed features; and 3) the effects of cellular heterogeneity must be accounted. The first challenge will drive the development of point process models in TR&D4 Aim 1, which will enable determination of spatial relationships of proteins to each other and to common landmarks such as the nuclear and cell boundaries. The resulting models can then be combined with coarse-grained (CG) spatial simulations being developed in Aim 1 of TR&D3, which can be used in combination with technologies developed in Aims 2 and 3 of TR&D3 to calibrate specific models of signaling processes. The generative models will also enable characterization of subpopulations. Finally, the computationally intensive calibration process will benefit from the use of WE-based sampling methods being developed in Aim 3 of TR&D1.

E. Innovation: This DBP will result in (i) development of integrated tools for model development visualization, calibration, and analysis that are much needed for any modeling project, especially on the scope of the REM. Previous efforts to develop large-scale models have generally employed generic software components such as wiki’s and proprietary drawing programs,125,126 and calibrated models based on qualitative information,124 or avoided the issue of model calibration altogether;120,127 and (ii) improvement of generative modeling tools that capture biophysical relationships independent of the details of image acquisition and can be used in conjunction with model calibration to study mechanism.


F. Approach: Aim 1. Use RuleBender to assist in developing, visualizing and managing the REM and to establish a section of the RuleHub repository dedicated to the REM and its submodels. This aim will drive TR&D3 Aim 2. The REM is comprised of molecular components encoded as structured molecules and interactions, encoded as rules in the pySB framework.128 These model elements are extensively documented. Specific submodels can be selected and simulated using different scenarios that mimic experimental protocols. pySB generates these submodels in BioNetGen language (BNGL) format and uses BioNetGen to generate the complete reaction network or to perform network-free simulations. Thus, the visualization tools to be developed in TR&D3 will also be used on pySB models to

1. Provide zoomable visualizations of the components and interactions included in the REM and in any derived submodel using a combination of contact maps, regulatory graphs, compact rule visualization, and state transition diagrams (see TR&D3 for more details on these methods).

2. Enable interactive browsing of model elements and documentation using network visualizations.

3. Enable comparison of submodels based on composition, network structure, and parameterization.

4. Track and compare the development of specific submodels.

5. Compare submodels' dynamics under different conditions, e.g. mutants in the presence of drugs.

Items 1-3 will be supported by the enhancements proposed for RuleBender and RuleHub repository (TR&D3 Aims 2.1 and 2.2, respectively) The latter will help compare the REM and other models in the literature. Item 4 will be enabled through a RuleHub section dedicated to the REM. Item 5 will provide a major testbed for the model analyzer capabilities to be added to RuleBender in Aim 2.3. We anticipate a close and fruitful collaboration with members of the Sorger lab working on the REM, many of whom have experience with BioNetGen and rule-based modeling. For example, Dr. Lily Chylek and Faeder have co-authored three papers on rule-based modeling prior to her joining the Sorger Lab and Robert Sheehan, PhD student of Dr. Faeder will join the Sorger lab following his expected graduation in August, 2016.

Aim 2. Create and distribute generative models from multiplexed images collected by the HMS LINCS project. This aim will drive Aim 1 of TR&D4. The Sorger lab has developed an inexpensive approach to sequential imaging of antibodies against many proteins,129 and begun to apply this approach for small molecule screens in the LINCS project. Current analysis of the images consists of calculating morphometric features from each channel and clustering to identify subpopulations of cells. We will take advantage of the information in these highly multiplexed images by constructing point process models130 (Aim 1 of TR&D4), which will provide added value to the LINCS data in two ways. First, they will reveal cell subpopulations that might be seen only when relationships between all proteins are considered. Second, they will serve as a universal exchange medium with other LINCS sites, since they capture the biochemical/ structural relationships underlying the images rather than simply using visual features which suffer from dependency on the details of image acquisition (such as microscope camera and objective magnification). We note that the OHSU LINCS team has also expressed interest in adopting such models.

Aim 3. Calibrate submodels using a combination of generative models and parameter estimation of CG spatial models of signaling processes. This aim will drive the development of advanced methods for simulation of rule-based models in Aim 1 of TR&D3, as well as the development of efficient parallel parameter estimation capabilities in Aim 2.3. In addition, it will drive Aim 2 of TR&D4 to infer effective protein-protein interaction parameters by combining generative models of spatial distributions with spatially-resolved rule-based models. We will calibrate REM submodels to specific LINCS data sets that contain measurements, both spatial and non-spatial, of Ras-related signaling events. Model calibration tools in TR&D3 Aim 2.3 will be used as well as the web portal used in Aim 3, and these efforts will take advantage of accelerated simulation capabilities developed in Aim 1.1, CG spatial simulation capabilities developed in Aims 1.2 and 1.3, and ENM- and WE-based methods developed in TR&D1 Aims 1 and 3.


DBP7: Structure and Function of Synapses

DBP7: Structure and Function of Synapses

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A. Collaborating Investigator(s): Kristen M. Harris,1 Terry Sejnowski,2 Tom Bartol, 2 J. Faeder3




Fig VII.6. Adult (A) and P15 (B) dendrites in 3DEM show synapse enlargement at the expense of small spines in adults, and new spines at P15 under TBS-LTP relative to control conditions. (C) Single EM through two spines (yellow) with red outlined synapses that were connected to one dendrite.

B. Institutions: 2University of Texas a t Austin, 2Salk, 3Pitt

C. Funding Status: G1: R01MH104319 (Harris) 9/14-07/19; G2: R01MH095980 (Harris) 7/12-06/17

D. Driving relationship between TR&D2 and DBP7: Neuronal dendrites, axons and synapses are structurally distorted in individuals with mental retardation and other neurological disorders. We would like to interpret this distortion, but dendrites and spines differ widely in their appearance and composition in normal brains. Our overall goal is to characterize this structural variation towards understanding how neurons regulate, sustain, and alter synaptic connectivity as brain function develops and changes with learning, memory, and pathology. We have made significant progress using reconstruction from serial section transmission EM (3DEM) and in developing a new approach of transmission EM on the scanning electron microscope (tSEM) that greatly increases throughput of high quality images.105,106 We discovered that the summed synaptic surface area is balanced along hippocampal dendrites, either having many small spines with small synapses or few large spines with large synapses.107 Even following substantial structural synaptic plasticity during LTP induced by theta-burst stimulation (TBS-LTP), a rebalancing occurs to achieve equal summed synaptic surface area along control dendrites and LTP dendrites with enlarged synapses. These findings lead to the hypothesis that heterosynaptic competition for intrinsic resources regulates synapse number and size along adult neurons (Fig VII.6 A).



Fig VII.7. Reconstructed dendritic segments were divided into spiny clusters and aspiny segments (>75 nm with no spine origins). SER and SA (green) were identified. The decrease in spine density was found only along those spiny clusters that had no SER in any of the spines.

In our funded research we are determining mechanisms underlying the developmental onset of the late phase LTP (L-LTP) lasting more than 3 hours.108 We have shown that when L-LTP is induced in developing animals at postnatal day (P)15, instead of enlarging existing synapses, more dendritic spines form. P15 is an age of rapid spinogenesis, hence there was substantial resources for adding new spines, that resulted in a greater summed synaptic input than under control conditions (Fig VII.6 B). We are also investigating the role of silent synaptic growth109 as a basis for the augmentation of LTP that could form the basis for the enhanced efficacy of spaced over massed learning.110 Critical to these studies is the improvement of alignment and reconstruction tools which will be developed by TR&D2 team members, driven by our data.

Two example findings illustrate how axonal and dendritic structure and composition support synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, and provide high motivation for the proposed collaborative efforts with TR&D2 to enhance our data collection and analyses. We discovered that only ~20% of the axons that pass next to dendrites actually form synaptic contacts.111 We are investigating what intrinsic rules govern the number and size of synapses supported along axons. Recently we showed that spines arising from the same dendrite synapsing on the same presynaptic axon have the same synaptic surface areas, head volumes, vesicle numbers and neck diameters.112 This finding suggests a powerful structure-function relationship. Axons in CA1 stratum radiatum were evaluated with 3DEM after TBS-LTP.113 The frequency of axonal boutons with a single postsynaptic partner was decreased by 33% at 2 hours, corresponding perfectly to the 33% loss of small dendritic spines (head diameters <0.45 µm). Presynaptic vesicles as well as transport packets between boutons were reduced for at least 2 hours after TBS-LTP. These findings show that specific presynaptic ultrastructural changes complement postsynaptic ultrastructural plasticity during LTP. Smooth ER (SER) forms a membranous network that extends throughout neurons. SER regulates intracellular calcium and the posttranslational modification and trafficking of membrane and proteins. Greater SER volume, folding, or branching reduces the movement of membrane cargo and local delivery of resources increases in the vicinity of complex SER.114 Recently we have found that TBS-LTP initiates SER remodeling in adult hippocampal dendrites. In spines, SER volume increased and more spines contained a spine apparatus (SA), which is composed of highly folded SER. Synaptic growth was greatest at these spines. In parallel, dendritic shaft SER was less branched after TBS-LTP. Dendritic segments with no SER-containing spines had fewer neighboring spines whereas those surrounding a spine apparatus had spine densities equal to controls (Fig VII.7). Thus, dendritic spines with an apparatus collaborate with neighboring, but compete with more distant, spines for critical resources.

E. Innovations: Our past collaborative work has involved truly heroic studies, requiring a brute-force manual approach to obtain the original 3DEM reconstructions.112,115 The editing was done section by section with iterative 3D reconstructions to confirm the edits were in the correct locations. The improved alignment, segmentation, and model-editing tools of this proposal will support the specific aims of two funded grants in the Harris laboratory. They will make these in-depth analysis more routine and allow realistic MCell models to simulate biochemical signaling in the 3D subcellular structure of dendrites, axons, spines and synapses. Surface meshes used to represent cell membranes and subcellular structures must meet very strict geometric standards (e.g. water-tight, non-intersecting, manifold) like those we have created in our recent publications. We will add to these models the effects of synaptic plasticity.



Fig VII.8. Three virtual sections (S1-S3) from tomography (3 nm thick) show no vesicles at nascent zones (NZ); versus many at active zones (AZ).(AZ, blue docked, yellow pores).



F. Methods and Procedures: We will provide high resolution images and 3DEM reconstructions to test the alignment, segmentation, and editing routines proposed in this grant. Our tissue processing and 3DEM methods have been rigorously tested and published.105,106 Example series have been posted to the OPENCONNECTOME.116 We will share data and images while accomplishing the Aims of our grants G1 and G2 (paraphrased here): Aim 1 (G1): To test the hypothesis that the abrupt onset of L-LTP at P12 is associated with first occurrence of dendritic spines using our rat model systems of in vivo perfusion-fixed hippocampus, TBS-LTP in hippocampal slices, and quantitative analyses from 3DEM. Aim 2 (G1): To test whether dendritic spines are induced by the first bout of TBS at P10, after which a second bout of TBS can produce L-LTP, but not at P8 when multiple bouts do not.

Aims 1-4 (G2): Recently, we have shown that initially saturated LTP can be subsequently augmented once a couple hours elapse between episodes of LTP induction.117 We have identified, nascent zones, which are dynamic regions with a postsynaptic density (PSD) that lack presynaptic vesicles (Fig VII.8).118 Immediately following induction, vesicles accumulate at prior nascent zones converting them to active zones. By 2 hours, nascent zones have returned. We will test the roles of protein synthesis, SER, and candidate molecules in building or stabilizing synapses during saturation and augmentation of LTP.

DBP6: Constructing a dynamic, spatial map of transcription and chromatin structure

DBP6: Constructing a dynamic, spatial map of transcription and chromatin structure

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A. Collaborating Investigator(s): Daniel Larson, 1 Carl Kingsford,2 Robert F. Murphy,2 Ivet Bahar3

B. Institutions: 1NIH, 2Carnegie Mellon U, 3Pitt

C. Funding Status of Project: NIH, NCI 1ZIABC011383-05 (Larson) (2011- )

D. Driving relationship between DBP6 and TR&D1 and 4: This DBP drives Aim 1 of TR&D4 and Aim 2 of TR&D1. The project stems from funded work in the Larson laboratory to study the dynamics and heterogeneity of genome structure as it relates to gene expression by systematically measuring the position, mobility, and transcription of genes in the human nucleus using multi-color imaging of nascent RNA in living cells. A key innovation of this DBP is the ability to image the history of transcriptional activity at two loci (Fig VII.5A-B). This two-gene assay is likely to become a crucial tool in imaging gene expression. These measurements will drive the development of new image-analysis (TR&D4) and structural modeling (TR&D1) tools. The Larson lab (Fig VII. 5A) will produce 3D movies where fluorescent spots reveal the location and intensity of transcription for pairs of genes. Analysis of these movies requires the development of new segmentation, registration, and modeling techniques to create models of the spatiotemporal relationships among labeled loci and between labeled loci and cellular landmarks (TR&D4). No existing packages can automatically process and model 3D movies of RNA transcripts and chromosomal domains in living cells. Images of 10,000 individual MCF7 cell lines, each with a pair of gene loci whose transcription is monitored with different fluorescent proteins, will be generated. This scale requires the development of fully automated image analysis techniques to create maps of the relationships between transcribing loci, which will drive TR&D4 Aim 1 and be incorporated into CellOrganizer.


Analysis to identify loci of coordinated and bursty translation from these maps will require the development of new computational and statistical techniques. No existing packages can identify such events from 4D traces of transcription, hence driving Subaim 2.2 of TR&D1. We will develop applications to take point traces derived from the image analysis to produce models of transcription activity conditioned on the position and transcription activity of nearby loci. From these models, significant transcription burst events will be detected. Construction of these models will require new methods for distance imputation, detection of high-confidence, reproducible distances, and clustering of measurements into heterogeneous structural classes. We have developed an open-source suite of analysis tools (Armatus-3C)93 for genome structure measurements from chromosome capture data that will be significantly extended and adapted into a suite suitable for the dynamic point traces collected here (TR&D1). Finally, the dynamic imaging data produced by this DBP will provide a validation set that will drive Subaim 2.1 of TR&D1 for the application and extension of elastic network models (e.g. GNM) and ProDy API94,95 (originally developed for protein dynamics) to evaluate chromatin motion from more widely available, but static, chromosome conformation capture measurements (e.g. Hi-C).




Fig VII.5 Nascent RNA visualization in living cells. (A) The technique is based on orthogonal high affinity RNA binding proteins from MS2 and PP7 bacteriophages. (B) Simultaneous observation of two reporter genes (red and green) with identical promoters in single cells. (C) Mobility and transcriptional activity of two genes in a single nucleus. The inter-gene distance is shown as a function of time, and can be used to extract a diffusion coefficient and radius of confinement of the individual genes.


E. Resulting Innovations: This DBP will drive the following technical advancements and deliverables: (1) Pipeline for processing of 3D movies including a machine learning system for optimizing segmentation to a new cell/probe system. (2) Software package for fully automated construction of probabilistic point traces and probabilistic location maps from tens of thousands of 4D movies containing fluorescently labeled transcribing loci. (3) New analysis techniques, based on point process statistics and conditional models, to identify burst events consisting of co-localized co-transcribing genes, and a software package for the reporting of these events. (4) Transfer, extension and validation of GNM analysis tools to predict the motions of gene loci and their correlations (Fig III.9 in the TR&D1 section).

F. Methods and Procedures: Generation of live cell 3D movies for 10,000 gene pairs in estrogen-responsive MCF7 cells in order to better understand position, mobility, and transcription of genes. This approach is based on insertion of a DNA cassette that codes for RNA hairpins.96 When transcribed, the RNA hairpins are specifically bound by a fluorescent phage coat protein, resulting in a fluorescent ‘spot’ which represents the active gene. The original MS2 system for RNA visualization has been in use for nearly 2 decades, but a second stem loop system based on the PP7 phage was recently developed and shown to be orthogonal to the MS2 system.97-99 Using this concept, Larson has made successive advances that enabled: observation of the transcription of single genes in yeast and human cells,100,101 simultaneous visualization of two segments of an individual RNA by labeling an intron and exon of a single transcript98and direct insertion of stem loops into an endogenous locus in human cells using gene-trap technology.

Specific Aim 1: We will develop and apply fully automated image processing approaches (TR&D4) to create models of the spatiotemporal relationships between labeled loci and cellular landmarks using movies of 10,000 individual MCF7 cell lines, each with a pair transcribing gene loci, monitored with different fluorescent proteins. Although many of the analytical tools needed to analyze time-series images of this type have been implemented in some fashion in previous studies,98,102 these implementations were low throughout or relied on user intervention. This project will drive the development in TR&D4 of high-throughput, fully automated and adaptable tools, thus providing tools that can systematically integrate the spatial, temporal and functional components of gene regulation. These tools will be developed in the context of live cell imaging, but will be useful to the community for other datatypes as well.

Specific Aim 2: We will identify bursting and co-localized transcriptional events from the location maps derived from Aim 1 via the development of a framework for identifying confident, significant spatial relationships between loci. We will impute missing distances and construct a conditional random field (CRF) that models expression as a function of neighboring measured genes and their relative distances. Bursty events will be those sets of genes with high joint probability of being expressed when their spatial distances are small. Point process statistics will also be used and extended to identify spatial clustering.

Specific Aim 3: We will relate predicted motion derived from MCF7 Hi-C measurements using extensions of GNM modeling techniques (TR&D1) to the observed motion via live cell imaging. Mobility measures such as mean square displacement (MSD) and distance fluctuations between pairs of genes, step-size distributions, and angular displacements103,104 will be computed from the segmented transcription sites. The two modalities of measurements (Hi-C vs. imaging) will be used to confirm conclusions.


DBP4: Spatiotemporal modeling of T cell signaling

DBP4: Spatiotemporal modeling of T cell signaling

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A. Collaborating Investigator(s): Christoph Wülfing,1 Peter Cullen,1 Paul Verkade,1 Robert F. Murphy,2 Deva Ramanan,2 James Faeder3

B. Institutions: 1University of Bristol, 2Carnegie Mellon University, 3Pitt

C. Funding Status: European Res Council PCIG11-GA-2012-321554 (Wülfing) 8/12 – 7/16; Wellcome Trust 102387/Z/13/Z (Wülfing) 8/14 – 9/17; Wellcome Trust 201254/Z/16/Z (Wülfing) 5/16 – 4/19; Medical Res Council GW4 BioMed DTP (Wuelfing) 9/16 – 8/19; Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award 104568/Z/14/Z (Cullen).


Fig VII.4. Frame from movie showing 4D distributions of cofilin (red), MRLC (green) and WAVE2 (blue) (from Roybal et al (2016). At this timepoint, cofilin and WAVE2 have translocated to the synapse but MRLC is lagging.

D. Driving relationship between TR&D and DBP. This project drives Aims 2 and 3 of TR&D4 and Aim 1 of TR&D3. During the current grant period, this DBP has resulted in the addition of important new capabilities to CellOrganizer. The first is a new class of generative models for proteins that are not contained in organelles, and in which the ability to compare protein models constructed from different images/movies is achieved through registration to a common event (in this case, formation of the immunological synapse). The second is the ability to perform causal modeling of spatiotemporal relationships between sensors. This will be further extended in the proposed renewal, and new capabilities will be developed, as described in detail below.

E. Innovations: DBP4 has led to new insight into actin dynamics at the T cell synapse in the tuning of T cell activation by costimulation; will provide a new paradigm for learning models of signaling pathways.

F. Methods and Procedures: The goal of DBP4 in the original MMBioS proposal was to build models enabling the understanding of the way in which various molecules in the T cell signaling system influence each other in time and space. Such mutual influence is critical in the tuning of T cell activation. While antigen recognition is mediated by the T cell receptors (TCR), the outcome of T cell activation is greatly influenced by how the TCR signal is amplified or suppressed with critical roles in autoimmune disease and the immune response to cancer. The specific aims were: (1) To construct models of the relationship between the spatiotemporal distributions of potential signaling molecules; (2) To construct biochemical cell simulations that capture the sequence of events involved in T cell signaling. The first aim consisted of two subaims, both of which have been accomplished. The first built on initial work aimed at creating registered maps of the spatiotemporal distribution of signaling intermediates just before and after formation of a synapse between a T cell and an antigen presenting cell. Many complications were encountered with aligning and morphing many different proteins to a common template so that they could be compared. These were all overcome, the pipeline has been created as a new functionality in CellOrganizer, and complete maps have been obtained for 9 proteins (actin and 8 actin regulators) under two conditions, a strong T cell stimulus where the TCR signal is amplified through costimulation as compared to a stimulus where the dominant costimulatory receptor, CD28, is blocked. Resolving actin regulation by costimulation, WAVE2 and cofilin showed the most significant changes (Fig VII.4) when comparing maps, a result that would not have been possible without the quantitative comparisons made possible by the computational pipeline. Cell biological reconstitution experiments confirmed their roles. This work has led to a major paper recently published in Science Signaling.83 The 2nd subaim was to learn the relationships between the spatiotemporal patterns of different proteins. We adopted a more systematic approach to construct a generative model that captures the relationships between different sensors in different regions of the cell. A manuscript describing this work has recently been submitted. These methods are described in TR&D4 along with the proposed further developments. Work on the second aim was delayed while the maps were refined, but will be completed by the end of the 5th year.


The dramatic success of the first aim has led us to propose significant evolution in the project over the following five years. We propose to add an investigation of the attenuation of T cell signaling by inhibitory receptors84 as enabled by collaborations recently established at the University of Bristol. This is of great scientific importance as inhibitory receptors both limit autoimmune disease and suppress the immune response to cancer.85-89 We also propose to complement our cell-wide subcellular signaling distributions with imaging of vesicles and proteomic data. The majority of the cellular pool of inhibitory receptors resides in vesicles, incapable of engaging their ligands.90,91 Vesicular trafficking to the plasma membrane thus is of great importance in inhibitory receptor function. In addition, as mechanisms of inhibitory receptor trafficking and signaling are largely unresolved, proteomic approaches to complement the imaging data will provide the necessary genome-wide coverage for unbiased functional discovery. Dr. Wülfing has recruited two biological collaborators from the University of Bristol, Dr. Peter Cullen, a leader in vesicular trafficking and proteomics, and Dr. Paul Verkade, a leader in electron microscopy (EM). The goal is to construct accurate spatiotemporal simulations of T cell signaling that consider both costimulatory and inhibitory receptor signaling. The specific aims are:

Aim 1. To construct a predictive model of the biochemical interactions among molecules involved in T cell signaling and to test and refine that model using experimental manipulations. This aim will drive Aim 2 of TR&D4 and Aim 1 of TR&D3. We will begin by constructing a tentative reaction network of the molecules for which we have detailed maps, use initial estimates for rate constants, carry out reaction-diffusion simulations, compare the resulting molecule distributions to our maps, adjust the rate estimates, and iterate. Information from other sources will be added to provide initial values or constraints. Dr. Wülfing’s group will provide movies of additional signaling molecules as prompted by the models. To allow incorporation of vesicle-based inhibitory receptors, Dr. Wülfing’s group will provide TIRF data on inhibitory receptor insertion into the plasma membrane and imaging data on the distribution of groups of vesicles. Dr. Verkade will complement these data by immuno-EM to quantify inhibitory receptor localization. Dr. Cullen’s group will collect proteomics data to characterize vesicles containing specific immunoregulatory receptors through the identification of their luminal contents. This will allow separation of vesicles into classes with distinct compositions. The information that specific groups of molecules are trafficked in distinct vesicles will be used to further constrain the proposed reaction network. Taking advantage of Dr. Cullen’s expertise in the regulation of vesicular trafficking, specific vesicle populations will then be perturbed and the information used to further refine the network. Dr. Wülfing’s group has already generated first constructs to manipulate the localization of key signaling intermediates and inhibitory receptors, and will collect movies for signaling molecules after expression of these constructs. It is important to note that there is previous work on modeling and simulating T cell signaling for an experimental system in which antigen is presented on a flat surface to T cells,92 a form of T cell activation that imposes substantially different biophysical constraints on T cell signaling than the more physiological interactions with APC that we analyze. We will compare both models.


Aim 2. To explore the relationship of synapse geometry to signaling pathways. 2 This aim will drive aim 3 of TR&D4. Dr. Verkade’s group will collect large sets of electron microscope images of synapse geometry at various times during signaling under various conditions. Models of this geometry will be created and used to improve the simulations above. They will also collect immune-EM images for specific molecules so that the distributions between fluorescence and EM can be registered. Dr. Wülfing’s group will provide the samples for the EM analysis for various conditions and constructs.

Research Highlights


Direct coupling of oligomerization and oligomerization-driven endocytosis of the dopamine transporter to its conformational mechanics and activity

The Bahar (TR&D1) and Sorkin (DBP3) labs published an article in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, selected as one of JBC's "Editors' Picks. Our results demonstrate a direct coupling between conformational dynamics of DAT, functional activity of the transporter and its oligomerization leading to endocytosis. The high specificity of such coupling for DAT makes the TM4-9 hub a new target for pharmacological modulation of DAT activity and subcellular localization. (Read more)



Differences in the intrinsic spatial dynamics of the chromatin contribute to cell differentiation

Comparison with RNA-seq expression data reveals a strong overlap between highly expressed genes and those distinguished by high mobilities in the present study, in support of the role of the intrinsic spatial dynamics of chromatin as a determinant of cell differentiation. (Read more)



Nanoscale co-organization and coactivation of AMPAR, NMDAR, and mGluR at excitatory synapses

Work by TR&D2 Investigators and collaborators provide insights into the nanometer scale organization of postsynaptic glutamate receptors using a combination of dual-color superresolution imaging, electrophysiology, and computational modeling. (Read more)



Parallel Tempering with Lasso for model reduction in systems biology

TR&D3 Investigators and collaborators develop PTLasso, a Bayesian model reduction approach that combines Parallel Tempering with Lasso regularization, to automatically extract minimal subsets of detailed models that are sufficient to explain experimental data. On both synthetic and real biological data, PTLasso is an effective method to isolate distinct parts of a larger signaling model that are sufficient for specific data. (Read more)


Image-derived models of cell organization changes during differentiation and drug treatments

Our work on modeling PC12 cells undergoing differentiation into neuron-like morphologies (under C&SP11, completed) has been published in Molecular Biology of the Cell. We have also made the large dataset of 3D images collected in that study available through Dryad. (Read more)


Monoamine transporters: structure, intrinsic dynamics and allosteric regulation

T&RD1 investigators Mary Cheng and Ivet Bahar published an invited review article in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, addressing recent progress in the elucidation of the structural dynamics of MATs and their conformational landscape and transitions, as well as allosteric regulation mechanisms. (Read more)

Trimerization of dopamine transporter triggered by AIM-100 binding

The Bahar (TR&D1) and Sorkin (DBP3) labs explored the trimerization of dopamine transporter (DAT) triggered by a furopyrimidine, AIM-100, using a combination of computational and biochemical methods, and single-molecule live-cell imaging assays. (Read more)

Pre-post synaptic alignment through neuroligin-1 tunes synaptic transmission efficiency

TR&D2 investigators and collaborators describe organizing role of neuroligin-1 to align post-synaptic AMPA Receptors with pre-synaptic release sites into trans-synaptic “nano-columns” to enhance signaling.(Read more)

Inferring the Assembly Network of Influenza Virus

In an article in PLoS Computational Biology, MMBioS TR&D4 members Xiongto Ruan and Bob Murphy collaborated with Seema Lakdawala to address this question of the assembly network of the Influenza virus.(Read more)

PINK1 Interacts with VCP/p97 and Activates PKA to Promote NSFL1C/p47 Phosphorylation and Dendritic Arborization in Neurons

Our findings highlight an important mechanism by which proteins genetically implicated in Parkinson’s disease (PD; PINK1) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD; VCP) interact to support the health and maintenance of neuronal arbors.(Read more)

Improved methods for modeling cell shape

In a recent paper in Bioinformatics, Xiongtao Ruan and Bob Murphy of TR&D4 addressed the question of how best to model cell and nuclear shape.(Read more)

New tool to predict pathogenicity of missense variants based on structural dynamics: RHAPSODY

We demonstrated that the analysis of a protein’s intrinsic dynamics can be successfully used to improve the prediction of the effect of point mutations on a protein functionality. This method employs ANM/GNM tools (Read more)

New method for investigating chromatin structural dynamics.

By adapting the Gaussian Network Model (GNM) protein-modeling framework, we were able to model chromatin dynamics using Hi-C data, which led to the identification of novel cross-correlated distal domains (CCDDs) that were found to also be associated with increased gene co-expression.  (Read more)


Structural elements coupling anion conductance and substrate transport identified

We identified an intermediate anion channeling state (iChS) during the global transition from the outward facing (OF) to inward facing state (IFS). Our prediction was tested and validated by experimental study conducted in the Amara lab (NIMH). Critical residues and interactions were analyzed by SCAM, electrophysiology and substrate uptake experiments (Read more)

Integrating MMBioS technologies for multiscale discovery

TR&D teams driven by individual DBPs are naturally joining forces, integrating their tools to respond to the needs of the DBP, and creating integrative frameworks for combining structural and kinetic data and computing technologies at multiple scales.  (Read more)


Large scale visualization of rule-based models.

Signaling in living cells is mediated through a complex network of chemical interactions. Current predictive models of signal pathways have hundreds of reaction rules that specify chemical interactions, and a comprehensive model of a stem cell or cancer cell would be expected to have many more. Visualizations of rules and their interactions are needed to navigate, organize, communicate and analyze large signaling models.  (Read more)

Integration of MCellR into MCell/CellBlender

Using spatial biochemical models of SynGAP/PSD95, MMBioS investigators were able to merge the MCellR code-base with the MCell code-base and validate its utility and correctness of this sophisticated technology now easily accessible through the MCell/CellBlender GUI.  (Read more)



Causal relationships of spatial distributions of T cell signaling proteins

The idea is to identify a relationship in which a change in the concentration of one protein in one cell region consistently is associated with a change in the concentration of another protein in the same or a different region. We used the data from our Science Signaling paper reported last year to construct a model for T cells undergoing stimulation by both the T cell receptor and the costimulatory receptor. (Read more...)

T-Cell Receptor Signaling

BioNetGen modeling helps reveal immune system response decision

To attack or to let be is an important decision that our immune systems must make to protect our bodies from foreign invaders or protect bodily tissues from an immune attack. Using modeling and experiments, we have painted a sharper picture of how T cells make these critical decisions.  (Read more)




Tools for determining the spatial relationships between different cell components

An important task for understanding how cells are organized is determining which components have spatial patterns that are related to each other.Read more


4d rtd

Pipeline for creation of spatiotemporal maps

Using a combination of diffeomorphic methods and improved cell segmentation, we developed a CellOrganizer pipeline for use in DPB4 to construct models of the 4D distributions of actin and 8 of its regulators during the response of T cells to antigen presentation. Read more


Multi-scale Hybrid Methodology

The hybrid methodology, coMD, that we have recently developed [1] has been recently extended to construct the energy landscape near the functional states of LeuT (Fig 1) [2]. This is the first energy landscape constructed for this NSS family member. Read more


Insights into the cooperative dynamics of AMPAR

Comparative analysis of AMPAR and NMDAR dynamics reveals striking similarities, opening the way to designing new modulators of allosteric interactions. Read more

Improved Sampling of Cell-Scale Models using the WE Strategy

The WE strategy for orchestrating a large set of parallel simulations has now been extended to spatially resolved cell-scale systems. The WESTPA implementation of WE has been used to control MCell simulations, including models built using a BioNetGen-CellOrganizer pipeline for situating complex biochemistry within spatially realistic cell models. Read more

Mouse visual cortex
Anatomy and Function of an Excitatory Network in the Visual Cortex

MMBioS researcher Greg Hood’s collaboration with Wei-Chung Allen Lee of Harvard University and R. Clay Reid of the Allen Institute for Brain Science concerning the reconstruction of an excitatory nerve-cell network in the mouse brain cortex at a subcellular level using the AlignTK software has been published in Nature. Read more


Molecular Mechanism of Dopamine Transport by hDAT

Dopamine transporters (DATs) control neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) homeostasis by reuptake of excess DA, assisted by sodium and chloride ions. The recent resolution of DAT structure (dDAT) from Drosophila permits us for the first time to directly view the sequence of events involved in DA reuptake in human DAT (hDAT). Read more




figure good 170Synaptic Facilitation Revealed

An investigation of several mechanisms of short-term facilitation at the frog neuromuscular junction concludes that the presence of a second class of calcium sensor proteins distinct from synaptotagmin can explain known properties of facilitation. Read more


langmead2 200Sparse Graphical Models of Protein:Protein Interactions

DgSpi is a new method for learning and using graphical models that explicitly represent the amino acid basis for interaction specificity and extend earlier classification-oriented approaches to predict ΔG of binding. Read more


Picture1 180Advancing Parallel Bio-simulations

A new non-Markovian analysis can eliminate bias in estimates of long-timescale behavior, such as the mean first-passage time for the dissociation of methane molecules in explicit solvent. Read more


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